Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Tale of Two Baskets (Dos Canastas)

The Seri women and children of this photo are indigenous to this region of Sonora, Mexico. This family (two sisters and their children) often travel, hitching rides for 30 kilometers along sandy, pot-holed roads, to Bahia Kino to try and sell intricately woven baskets and delicate shell necklaces. A few years ago, I purchased a Seri necklace at the University of Arizona Museum gift store, which I love. Its simple beauty; strung solely of shells, fish vertebrae and seeds tells a story of a life and a region far from my own. For centuries women around the world have painstakingly woven native reeds and grasses into baskets for daily living. Today it is becoming a lost art.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue:
Sorry our phone call got cut short. I've decided to wait until my visit to that beautiful land to make a basket purchase. It's more meaningful that way.
It was great to hear your voices. I'll call again when I get a new calling card!
Love (especially to Kim who we didn't get to talk to),
Carrie and Eli