Sunday, May 3, 2009

We Didn't See the Obamas...

But we saw our old friend Lori Oleson from Minnasota! Actually, she had emailed us that she'd be in DC at the same time as us. By chance, Lori saw Philomena parked on the street near her hotel as she was walking down to the White House to try and meet us before our tour. "I though, that's got to be their van," she recalled upon seeing the vintage westy with tell-tale green Vermont plates. Shortly there after, she stopped in for a quick breakfast drink and ran into us at a DC coffee shop an hour before our tour. We had a fun visit catching up a bit :-) and walked together to the White House.


Anonymous said...

Final countdown.............


Can't wait!!!!

Love, Mom/El/Grandma

mwittke said...

And...Sam and I will see you in 7 weeks. Meecha at Old Barnie? Love, Mary